Sunday, September 16, 2012

Churches at Kaiseniemi

The weather has been really kind today. It was sunny, albeit a bit windy, and it just seemed too nice to not go out. So I dragged one of my room mates out with me to Kaiseniemi to see Helsinki Cathedral, an evangelical lutheran cathedral built in the neoclassical style. 

It was a sight to behold because of its stark white stone walls that contrast with the deep azure of the sky. There's a giant green dome that is surrounded by four slightly smaller green domes. 
Helsinki Cathedral
I also tried to get some shots of the twelve apostles, but I only got half of them. The walkway just around the cathedral became too narrow to take pictures properly. I guess I could've taken them from below... oh well.

As soon we stepped into the cathedral, organ music started playing. It was a sad tune the whole solemn feel of the place did make me feel repentant. The inside of the cathedral was actually a bit plain. I don't think I'm a revisionist but a plain place of worship seems like it would be a good way to clear the mind and focus too.

When we finished soaking it all in, we exited the church and saw another cross in the distant and decided to go to that one too. Uspenski Orthodox Cathedral, however, was not a tourist attraction and was available for worship only. But it was a really nice looking building.

Actually, the bridge that led up to this church is called Bridge of Love. It's really cute because couples write their names on a padlock and secure it to the side of the bridge to show their commitment to staying together. I'm actually surprised there aren't more locks but it's only been erected in 2008, I'm sure it'll fill up given the time.

And here are whole bunch of other things I saw but am too lazy to describe:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Why did the pheasant cross the road?

I don't know.

Actually, I'm not sure if that was even a pheasant, but it was pretty big.

Either way, the bird was pretty darn cute making a mad dash across the road on its little feet.

I wish I had the opportunity to snap a shot of it though.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Visiting the beach in Matinkylä

It was sort of chilly today but the sun was unobstructed, so I decided to visit the beach in my neighbourhood after work. Haha, I actually live pretty close to the beach... it's probably a 30 minute walk away from my apartment, but I just took the bus anyway.

So the beach is sort of hidden away behind a patch of trees. But then again, you can say everything is hidden away behind a patch of trees just because there are trees everywhere here. Anyway, I decided to walk out onto the pier and just sit my bum down to enjoy the view. It's an odd feeling when you just focus on the waves until it feels like you're the one that's moving instead of the water. And so I sat until some other people came on... I felt like I was being a pylon and it seemed awkward so I just went away.

But yeah, pretty peaceful. I'll definitely come back. Plus, I was told that people go walking on the beach once it's all frozen in the winter. That should be pretty fun and amusing!

I think that pier extends from a restaurant by the beach.

The pier I sat on.


There's also a no diving sign.

It was about 19:00

Dinner for today. I've eaten too healthily lately so I just had a cheeseburger.


And because I like to be redundant... but the view is nice though!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Little things by work

Tatti mushroom in some six-legged company

That was a mushroom I found along the sidewalk that leads from the main road to my place of work. It is actually quite big, the crown of the mushroom is probably bigger than the size of my fist. This mushroom is called tatti in Finnish and I was told that they are very, very delicious. Maybe I'll pick a few to eat when I go camping. 

Other than being bountiful in mushrooms (and berries), there are also a lot of walking trails that are easily accessible from big roads. They're little oases away from all the noise of busy roads.


Looks like an obsolete bridge over the water.

And another bridge that leads back to the main road.